Anja Thoe Fuglsang

Anja Thoe Fuglsang


  1. Lecture and oral contribution
  2. Identification of a peptide receptor kinase that activates the plasma membrane H+ pump

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Lecturer)

    1 Aug 2008

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  3. PIRK proton pump interacting receptor kinase: an unexpectedly direct connection

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Speaker)

    26 Oct 2007

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  4. Proton transport by the plasma membrane H+-ATPase is  tightly regulated by several protein kinases.

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Lecturer)

    24 Jul 2009

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  5. Reconstitution of pumps into nano-disc -how can we use this  technique?

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Lecturer)

    21 Aug 2009

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  6. The important pumps...

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  7. The receptor kinase PIRK controls root elongation in concert with the plasma membrane proton pump

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Lecturer)

    26 Jun 2009

    Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

  8. Other (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - External teaching and subject coordination
  9. "Fra DNA til Bioimaging":  afholdt øvelsen for gymnasie elever, 12 stk. Akademisk studenterkursus

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Participant)

    8 Nov 2006

    Activity: Other activity typesOther (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - External teaching and subject coordination

  10. "Fra DNA til Bioimaging":    afholdt øvelsen  for gymnasie elever, 23 elever fra Akademisk studenterkursus

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Participant)

    8 Nov 2006

    Activity: Other activity typesOther (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - External teaching and subject coordination

  11. "Fra DNA til Bioimaging":    afholdt øvelsen  for gymnasie elever, fra Allerød gymnasium

    Fuglsang, Anja Thoe (Participant)

    9 Nov 2006

    Activity: Other activity typesOther (prizes, external teaching and other activities) - External teaching and subject coordination

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