Sophie Heiden Laugesen
External Postdoc
København N.
Telephone: +4535332565
Area of work
Bjørn-Yoshimoto Group
Search tips
Use * (asterix) to replace part of a word e.g. At* will include results for both Atlantis and Atlas. Use ? (questionmark) to replace a character in a name if you are unsure of the spelling.
AND- / OR- search
You can use AND and OR in searches. Searching for humans AND capital will only return results that contains both words. Searching for humans OR capital will return results containing either of the words.
Setting quotationmarks around a search sentense will only return results containing the whole sentence.
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More research databases
Google Scholar
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scientific literature.
Danish National Research Database
A national portal for searching published Danish research literature.