Kristian Cedervall Lauta
Professor, Prorector for Education
Nørregade 10, Postboks 2177
1017 København K
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Primary fields of research
Kristian Cedervall Lauta is Prorector for Education and Professor of disaster and climate law. His research regards disasters, cliamte and risk, and both how these phenomena are regulated, and how they, in turn, affect law.
Kristian works with:
- Disasters / Extreme events
- Disaster Law
- Cllimate Law
- Risk Regulation
- State of Exception / state of emergency
- Human Rights
In his latest book (in Danish only), Katastrofer - og hvad de kan lære os om os selv, Kristian provides unique insight into disasters, and how we as individuals and societies react.
The seminal piece, Disaster Law, investigates how a change in the way disasters are understood and managed affects fundamental notions of duty, responsibility and justice. Kristian's present research continues these efforts, by investigating a wide range of issues relating to law and disasters.
Kristian does not teach as prorector, but have previously taught the following subjects:
- Existential Risks and the Law
- Human rights law
- Constitutional law
- International Public Law
- Disaster Law and Policy
ID: 5302160
Most downloads
Synthesis report of existing legal, policy and science approaches in relation to DRR and CCA (Deliverable 2.1): National Report - Denmark
Research output: Book/Report › Report › Research
Published -
Disaster Knowledge Gaps: Exploring the Interface between Science and Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Published -
La importancia de colmar las lagunas del conocimiento: Un estudio sobre los nexos entre ciencia y politica en relación a la reducción del riesgo de desastres en Europa
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review