Quo vadimus? Current and Future Research in Early Modern Scholastic Thought

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Paolo Astorri - Other

Harald Ernst Braun - Speaker

arly modern Scholastic thought is experiencing a renewal of interest driven by changing paradigms of historical research and understanding—such as the historical turn in legal history, global historical perspectives on early modern Catholicism, and the new history of empire—reflected in recent publications that straddle disciplines and historiographical traditions. This roundtable pursues two goals. It aims to take stock of current work in early modern Scholastic thought in its Catholic, Reformed, and Protestant varieties, and to map future pathways for interdisciplinary research and collaboration. Participants will draw out the connections between the different fields of study, approaches, and perspectives manifest in current research, revisit established terminology (Second Scholastic; School of Salamanca), and open up spaces for future research conversations.
30 Mar 2022

Event (Conference)

TitleRSA 2022 Annual Meeting
Degree of recognitionInternational event

ID: 337690628