Type II-P supernova progenitor star initial masses and SN 2020jfo: direct detection, light-curve properties, nebular spectroscopy, and local environment

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  • Charles D Kilpatrick
  • Rory O Bentley
  • Kenneth C Chambers
  • David A Coulter
  • Maria R Drout
  • Thomas De boer
  • Ryan J Foley
  • Christa Gall
  • Melissa R Halford
  • David O Jones
  • Danial Langeroodi
  • Chien-cheng Lin
  • Eugene A Magnier
  • Peter Mcgill
  • Anna J G O’grady
  • Yen-chen Pan
  • Enrico Ramirez-ruiz
  • Armin Rest
  • Jonathan J Swift
  • Samaporn Tinyanont
  • V Ashley Villar
  • Richard J Wainscoat
  • Amanda Rose Wasserman
  • S Karthik Yadavalli
  • Grace Yang
TidsskriftMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)2161-2185
StatusUdgivet - 29 jul. 2023

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