Study protocol: group-based psychoeducation for relatives of patients with bipolar disorder — a large scale real-world randomized controlled parallel group trial, the R-bipolar RCT

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Background: Relatives of patients with bipolar disorder (BD) often experience emotional burden with stress and depressive symptoms that again increase the likelihood of destabilization and relapses in the patient. The effects of group-based psychoeducation have not been investigated in large-scale real-world settings. We are currently conducting a large-scale real-world randomized controlled parallel group trial (RCT) to test whether group-based psychoeducation for 200 relatives to patients with BD improves mood instability and other critical outcomes in relatives and the corresponding patients with BD. Methods: The trial is designed as a two-arm, parallel-group randomized trial with a balanced randomization 1:1 to either group-based psychoeducation or a waiting list for approximately 4 months and subsequent group-based psychoeducation. The primary outcome measure is mood instability calculated based on daily smartphone-based mood self-assessments. Other relevant outcomes are measured, including patients’ reported outcomes, assessing self-assessed burden, self-efficacy, and knowledge about BD. Discussion: This protocol describes our currently ongoing randomized controlled trial (RCT) that aims at investigating group-based psychoeducation as an intervention for relatives of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BD). The study is the first large-scale real-world RCT to focus on a relatively short intervention of psychoeducation (6 sessions of 2 h each) in a large group of relatives (approximately 30 participants per group). With this focus, we wish to test an intervention that is feasible to implement in real-life psychiatric settings with limited budgets and time. It is also the first study to use mood instability in relatives as the primary outcome measure and to investigate whether mood instability and other affective symptoms in patients and relatives covary. It could be considered as limitations, that the trial is not blinded and does not include long-term follow-up. Trial registration: NCT06176001. Registered on 2023–12-19. The study is approved by the data agency (P-2021–809). The project was allowed to be initiated without permission from the Scientific Ethical Committees for the Capital Region, because it according to section 1, paragraph 4 of the Committee Act was not defined as a health scientific intervention study (case number 21063013).

Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
Thomas Kirkegaard, MD4 Morten Sau, Nurse4 Line Hansen, MD4 Birgitte Vejstrup, Nurse, Master in Health promotion4 4 Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, The Copenhagen Affective Disorder Clinic, Denmark

Funding Information:
Open access funding provided by Copenhagen University The project is funded by the Research Fund of Mental Health Services\u2014Capital Region of Denmark. The funding source had no role in the design of the study, its execution, analysis, interpretation of the data, or submission. A copy of the original funding document in English is included as an additional file in the submission.

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

ID: 393464026