Interaction of wave-driven particles with slit structures

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Just over a decade ago Couder and Fort [Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 154101 (2006)] published a provocative paper suggesting that a classical system might be able to simulate the truly fundamental quantum mechanical single- and double-slit experiment. The system they investigated was that of an oil droplet walking on a vibrated oil surface. Their results have since been challenged by Andersen et al. [Phys. Rev. E 92, 013006 (2015)] by pointing to insufficient statistical support and a lack of experimental control over critical parameters. Here we show that the randomness in the original experiment is an artifact of lack of control. We present experimental data from an extensive scan of the parameter space of the system including the use of different size slits and tight control of critical parameters. For the single-slit we find very diverse samples of interference-like patterns but all causal by nature. This also holds for the double-slit. However, an extra interference effect appears here. The origin of this is investigated by blocking either the inlet or the outlet of one slit. Hereby we show that the extra interference is solely due to back-scatter of the associated wave field from the outlet of the slit not passed by the droplet. Recently Pucci et al. [J. Fluid Mech. 835, 1136 (2018)] using a much broader slit also showed that the classical system is basically causal. They, too, observed the extra interference effect for the double-slit. However, the reason behind was not determined. Moreover they claimed the existence of a chaotic regime just below the cri- tical acceleration for spontaneous generation of Faraday surface waves. Our measurements do not support the validity of this claim. However, the drop dynamics turns out to have an interesting multifaceted interaction with the slit structure.
TidsskriftPhysical Review E
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 26 aug. 2020

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