Early longitudinal changes in brain structure and cognitive functioning in remitted patients with recently diagnosed bipolar disorder

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Background: Patients with bipolar disorder (BD) who are presenting with cognitive impairment and associated structural brain abnormalities have generally a poorer clinical outcome. This study aims to map the early longitudinal trajectories in brain structure and cognition in patients with recently diagnosed BD. Methods: Fully or partially remitted patients with a recent diagnosis of BD and matched healthy controls (HC) underwent structural MRI and neuropsychological testing at baseline (BD n = 97; HC n = 66) and again following an average of 16 (range 6–27) months (BD n = 50; HC n = 38). We investigated the differential trajectories in BD vs. HC in cortical gray matter volume and thickness, total cerebral white matter, hippocampal and amygdala volumes, estimated brain age, and cognitive functioning using linear mixed models. Within patients, we further investigated whether brain structural abnormalities detected at baseline were associated with subsequent mood episodes. Results: Compared to HC, patients showed a decline in total white matter volume over time and they had a larger amygdala volume, both at baseline and at follow-up time. Patients further showed lower cognitive performance at both times of investigation with no significant change over time. There were no differences between patients and HC in cortical gray matter volume or thickness, hippocampal volume, or brain-aging patterns. Conclusions: Cognitive impairment and amygdala enlargement may represent stable markers of BD early in the course of illness, whereas subtle white matter decline may result from illness progression.

TidsskriftJournal of Affective Disorders
Sider (fra-til)153-161
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The Research Fund of the Mental Health Services – Capital Region of Denmark has provided HLK's post-doctorate salary. KWM holds a five-year Lundbeck Foundation Fellowship (grant no. R215-2015-4121 ). The BIO study is funded by grants from the Mental Health Services, Capital Region of Denmark, The Danish Council for Independent Research, Medical Sciences ( DFF-4183-00570 ), Weimans Fund, Markedsmodningsfonden (the Market Development Fund 2015-310), Gangstedfonden ( A29594 ), Læge Sofus Carl Emil og hustru Olga Boris Friis' legat, Helsefonden ( 22-B-0018 & 16-B-0063 ), Innovation Fund Denmark (the Innovation Fund, Denmark, 5164-00001B ), Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET) , EU H2020 ITN (EU project 722561 ), Augustinusfonden ( 16-0083 ), and The Capital Region of Denmark ( A6924 ).

Funding Information:
The Research Fund of the Mental Health Services – Capital Region of Denmark has provided HLK's post-doctorate salary. KWM holds a five-year Lundbeck Foundation Fellowship (grant no. R215-2015-4121). The BIO study is funded by grants from the Mental Health Services, Capital Region of Denmark, The Danish Council for Independent Research, Medical Sciences (DFF-4183-00570), Weimans Fund, Markedsmodningsfonden (the Market Development Fund 2015-310), Gangstedfonden (A29594), Læge Sofus Carl Emil og hustru Olga Boris Friis' legat, Helsefonden (22-B-0018 & 16-B-0063), Innovation Fund Denmark (the Innovation Fund, Denmark, 5164-00001B), Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET), EU H2020 ITN (EU project 722561), Augustinusfonden (16-0083), and The Capital Region of Denmark (A6924).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023

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