APOE Genotype, ApoE Plasma Levels, Lipid Metabolism, and Cognition in Monozygotic Twins with, at Risk of, and without Affective Disorders

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Background: Lipids influence brain function and mental health. Understanding the role of apolipoproteins in affective disorders could provide valuable insights and potentially pave the way for novel therapeutic approaches. Methods: We examined the apolipoprotein E genotype and ApoE-levels, lipid profiles, and the correlation with cognition in 204 monozygotic (MZ) twins with unipolar or bipolar disorder in remission or partial remission (affected, AT), their unaffected co-twins (high-risk, HR), and twins with no personal or family history of affective disorder (low-risk, LR). Results: The APOE genotype was not associated with affective disorders. No significant group differences in ApoE levels were found between the three risk groups. Post hoc analysis group-wise comparisons showed higher ApoE levels in the AT than HR twins and in the concordant AT twin pairs relative to the discordant twin pairs. Within the discordant twin pairs, higher ApoE levels were observed in the affected twins (AT = 39.4 mg/L vs. HR = 36.8 mg/L, p = 0.037). Limitations: The present study could benefit from a larger sample size. We did not assess dietary habits. Conclusions: The results did not support our main hypothesis. However, exploratory post hoc analysis suggests a role for plasma ApoE and triglycerides in affective disorders. Future research is needed.
Keywords: affective disorders; cognition; monozygotic twins; high-risk-study; apolipoprotein E; lipid metabolism
TidsskriftJournal of Clinical Medicine
Udgave nummer8
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This study was supported by \u2018The Capital Region of Denmark\u2019, \u2018the Augustinus Foundation\u2019, \u2018the Axel Thomsen\u2019s Foundation\u2019, \u2018the Lundbeck Foundation (R108-A10015)\u2019, \u2018the Hoerslev Foundation\u2019, and \u2018Fonden til L\u00E6gevidensskabens Fremme\u2019, \u2018Jascha Fonden\u2019, \u2018AP M\u00F8ller Fonden\u2019, \u2018L\u00E6geforeningen\u2014fonden til st\u00F8tte ved arvelige sygdomme\u2019, \u2018Savv\u00E6rksejer Jeppe Juhl og Hustru Ovitas Juhl Mindelegat\u2019 og \u2018Ivan Nielsens Fond For Personer Med specielle Sindslidelser\u2019. The sponsors had no involvement in the planning or conduction of this study or in the interpretation of the results or decisions on submission for publication.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 by the authors.

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