Thomas Zeuthen

Thomas Zeuthen

Professor emeritus

  1. 2022
  2. Udgivet

    Cerebrospinal fluid production by the choroid plexus: a century of barrier research revisited

    MacAulay, Nanna, Keep, R. F. & Zeuthen, Thomas, 2022, I: Fluids and Barriers of the CNS. 19, 1, 18 s., 26.

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  3. Udgivet

    Membrane transporters control cerebrospinal fluid formation independently of conventional osmosis to modulate intracranial pressure

    Oernbo, E. K., Steffensen, A. B., Khamesi, P. R., Toft-Bertelsen, Trine Lisberg, Barbuskaite, Dagne, Vilhardt, Frederik, Gerkau, N. J., Tritsaris, Katerina, Simonsen, A. H., Lolansen, Sara Diana, Andreassen, Søren Norge, Hasselbalch, Steen, Zeuthen, Thomas, Rose, C. R., Kurtcuoglu, V. & MacAulay, Nanna, 2022, I: Fluids and Barriers of the CNS. 19, 1, 25 s., 65.

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  4. 2016
  5. Udgivet

    Structural and functional significance of water permeation through cotransporters

    Zeuthen, Thomas, Gorraitz, E., Her, K., Wright, E. M. & Loo, D. D. F., 1 nov. 2016, I: National Academy of Sciences. Proceedings. 113, 44, s. E6887-E6894

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  6. 2014
  7. Udgivet

    Response to comments on "Local impermeant anions establish the neuronal chloride concentration"

    Glykys, J., Dzhala, V., Egawa, K., Balena, T., Saponjian, Y., Kuchibhotla, K. V., Bacskai, B. J., Kahle, K. T., Zeuthen, Thomas & Staley, K. J., 5 sep. 2014, I: Science (New York, N.Y.). 345, 6201, 2 s., 1130-D.

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  8. Udgivet

    Local impermeant anions establish the neuronal chloride concentration

    Glykys, J., Dzhala, V., Egawa, K., Balena, T., Saponjian, Y., Kuchibhotla, K. V., Bacskai, B. J., Kahle, K. T., Zeuthen, Thomas & Staley, K. J., 7 feb. 2014, I: Science (New York, N.Y.). 343, 6171, s. 670-5 6 s.

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  9. 2013
  10. Udgivet

    Osmotic water transport in aquaporins: evidence for a stochastic mechanism

    Zeuthen, Thomas, Alsterfjord, M., Beitz, E. & MacAulay, Nanna, 15 okt. 2013, I: Journal of Physiology. 591, Pt 20, s. 5017-29 13 s.

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  11. 2012
  12. Udgivet

    Glial K(+) Clearance and Cell Swelling: Key Roles for Cotransporters and Pumps

    MacAulay, Nanna & Zeuthen, Thomas, nov. 2012, I: Neurochemical Research. 37, 11, s. 2299-2309 11 s.

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  13. Udgivet

    Cotransport of water by Na¿-K¿-2Cl¿ cotransporters expressed in Xenopus oocytes: NKCC1 versus NKCC2

    Zeuthen, Thomas & MacAulay, Nanna, 1 mar. 2012, I: Journal of Physiology. 590, Pt 5, s. 1139-54 16 s.

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  14. 2011
  15. Udgivet

    Enhancement of proton conductance by mutations of the selectivity filter of aquaporin-1

    Li, H., Chen, H., Steinbronn, C., Wu, B., Beitz, E., Zeuthen, Thomas & Voth, G. A., 8 apr. 2011, I: Journal of Molecular Biology. 407, 4, s. 607-20 14 s.

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  16. Udgivet

    Requirement for asparagine in the aquaporin NPA sequence signature motifs for cation exclusion

    Wree, D., Wu, B., Zeuthen, Thomas & Beitz, E., 1 mar. 2011, I: FEBS Journal. 278, 5, s. 740-8 9 s.

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