Michael Vincent Westbury

Michael Vincent Westbury


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    1. 227 downloads

      Ancient DNA from Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) of South-Western China Reveals Genetic Diversity Loss during the Holocene

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    2. 225 downloads

      Narwhal Genome Reveals Long-Term Low Genetic Diversity despite Current Large Abundance Size

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    3. 188 downloads

      Aardwolf population diversity and phylogenetic positioning inferred using complete mitochondrial genomes

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    4. 159 downloads

      Genomic analyses reveal an absence of contemporary introgressive admixture between fin whales and blue whales, despite known hybrids

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    5. 106 downloads

      Hyena paleogenomes reveal a complex evolutionary history of cross-continental gene flow between spotted and cave hyena

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    ID: 196363787