Louise Kjølbæk

Louise Kjølbæk


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    Current position
    2019-present: Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS), Faculty of Science (SCIENCE), University of Copenhagen (UCPH).

    Louise Kjølbæk (LK) is currently involved in the EU-project SWEEET where LK is the daily project manager for 3 different multi-centre randomised controlled trials (RCTs) running at NEXS (2020-2022). Furthermore, LK has several teaching obligations. 

    Employment history

    2017-2019       Postdoctoral fellow at NEXS, UCPH.

    2014-2017       PhD student at NEXS, UCPH.

    2012-2014       Research Assistant at NEXS, UCPH.


    2014-2017       PhD in Obesity research at SCIENCE, UCPH.
    Dissertation: Nutrition, the Gut and the Microbiome – Associations with Obesity and Metabolic Markers of Obesity-associated diseases

    2010-2012       M.Sc. in Human Nutrition at SCIENCE, UCPH.
    Thesis: Vitamin D status and determinants of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in 8-11 years old children living in Denmark, based on baseline measurements from 434 participants in the OPUS school meal study.

    2007-2010       B.Sc. in Food Science and Technology with a specialization in Health and Nutrition at SCIENCE, UCPH.
    Bachelor project: The effects of fruit and vegetables on the circulation of bile acid in relation to atherosclerosis, a literature study.

    Scientific experience

    LK is an ambitious Assistant Professor with expertise in the field of nutritional intervention in the field of overweight and overweight-related diseases e.g. cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and type-2-diabetes (T2D). LK is interested in the nutritional prevention and treatment of diseases and her research covers important areas of food and nutrition research. These include the role of dairy products (cheese and milk), dairy-related nutrients (whey protein, calcium, vitamin D), sweeteners, protein quantity and quality, fibers, and fish oil, on relevant risk factors e.g. glucose and lipid metabolism, appetite and weight regulation, and gut microbiota. LKs ambition is to conduct projects with high data quality which comply with ethical rights, Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  

    Research competences:

    • EU-projects:
      SWEET: multicentre RCTs about sweeteners in relation to appetite (WP2+WP3) and weight loss maintenance (WP3). https://sweetproject.eu/
      MyNewGut: RCT about fibre and fish oil intake on gut microbiota and metabolic markers https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/613979/reporting
      PREVIEW: Planning, applications and meetings in the kick-off phase. previewstudy.com
    • DK-projects:
      DAIRYMAT: RCT about the dairy matrix effect on lipidemia
      PROKA: Long-term RCT about protein intake in relation to weight loss maintenance
      KIFU: Data analysis and publication of an observational study about calcium intake and faecal fat excretion in relation to weight management.
    • Study design (protocol writing and ethical approval), conduct and statistical analyses of trials
    • ICH-GCP certificate and ICH-GCP monitoring of EU-projects
    • Communication with internal and external project partners (Universities, SMEs, Labs etc.)
    • Dissemination: Invited speaker at the Nutrition Society Winter Meeting 2023, the Nordic Dairy Congress 2022, Mini-symposium on Dairy Products and the Life Cycle - Emerging Evidence 2018.

    Publications: Orcid ID: 0000-0003-4310-9332

    University teaching:

    • Course responsible:
      Bachelor courses: Introduction to Human Nutrition (DK: Grundkursus i Menneskets Ernæring), Food Manufacturing and Nutrition (DK: Fødevarefremstilling og Ernæring)
      Master course: Nutrition Physiology (2018+2020)
    • Teaching:
      Lectures: Bachelor, master and PhD students
      Supervision: Groups (poster-work), group reports, bachelor and master students, trainees
      Hands-on: Anthropometry, blood pressure, indirect calorimetric exercises
    • Co-supervisor: PhD student



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