Lene Møller Madsen

Lene Møller Madsen


Medlem af:

  1. 2024
  2. E-pub ahead of print

    (Un)Wanted bodies and the internationalisation of higher education

    Waters, J. L., Adriansen, H. K., Madsen, Lene Møller & Saarinen, T., 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Progress in Human Geography.

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  3. Udgivet

    Choosing (not) to be a chemistry teacher: Students’ negotiations of science identities at a research-intensive university

    Nielsen, Katia Bill & Madsen, Lene Møller, 2024, I: European Educational Research Journal. 23, 4, s. 544-460 16 s.

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  4. Accepteret/In press

    How upper secondary students figure chemistry

    Niemann, Jonas, Madsen, Lene Møller & Holmegaard, Henriette Tolstrup, 2024, (Accepteret/In press) I: Chemistry Education Research and Practice. 22 s.

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  5. E-pub ahead of print

    Travelling in time, between places, and jobs: exploring temporal dimensions of academics’ international trajectories

    Spangler, V., Madsen, Lene Møller & Adriansen, H. K. O., 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography.

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  6. E-pub ahead of print

    “It’s Not Like I Go Oh That’s Really Exciting” – A Qualitative Study of Upper Secondary School Students’ Identity Negotiations in Physics

    Gertz, Emilie, Madsen, Lene Møller & Holmegaard, Henriette Tolstrup, 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) I: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 24 s.

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  7. Accepteret/In press

    “It’s Not Like I Go Oh That’s Really Exciting” – A Qualitative Study of Upper Secondary School Students’ Identity Negotiations in Physics

    Gertz, Emilie, Madsen, Lene Møller & Holmegaard, Henriette Tolstrup, 2024, (Accepteret/In press) I: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

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  8. 2023
  9. Ikke-udgivet

    ‘Gendered Learning Environments: Constitution of the Celebrated Student in the STEM Classroom’

    Thorsen, Gry Ellegaard, Madsen, Lene Møller & Holmegaard, Henriette Tolstrup, 29 aug. 2023, (Ikke-udgivet).

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  10. Udgivet

    Mobilities and the ‘international academic’ in higher education

    Sprangler, V., Madsen, Lene Møller & Adriansen, H. K., 20 jan. 2023

    Publikation: AndetUdgivelser på nettet - Net-publikationForskning

  11. Udgivet

    Emplacing English as lingua franca in international higher education: A spatial perspective on linguistic diversity

    Adriansen, H. K., Juul-Wiese, T., Madsen, Lene Møller, Saarinen, T., Spangler, V. & Waters, J. L., 2023, I: Population, Space and Place. 29, 2, 11 s., e2619.

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  12. Udgivet

    Science students’ post-bachelor’s choice narratives in different disciplinary settings

    Madsen, Lene Møller & Holmegaard, Henriette Tolstrup, 2023, I: European Educational Research Journal. 22, 2, s. 216-235 20 s.

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