Dorte Nordholm

Dorte Nordholm

Clinical Associate Professor

Publication year:
  1. 2021
  2. Published

    Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms and Other Symptoms of the At-risk Mental State for Psychosis: A Network Perspective

    EU-GEI High Risk Study, E. H. R. S., 8 Jul 2021, In: Schizophrenia Bulletin. 47, 4, p. 1018-1028 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  3. Published

    Dysregulated Lipid Metabolism Precedes Onset of Psychosis

    EU-GEI High Risk Study Group, E. H. R. S. G., 1 Feb 2021, In: Biological Psychiatry. 89, 3, p. 288-297 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  4. Published

    Are attenuated positive symptoms and cortisol levels associated?

    Nordholm, Dorte, Hjorthøj, Carsten, Mondelli, V., Krakauer, K., Randers, L., Dazzan, P. & Nordentoft, Merete, 2021, In: Schizophrenia Research. 228, p. 621-623 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetterResearchpeer-review

  5. Published

    Association of Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measures with Psychosis Onset in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Developing Psychosis: An ENIGMA Working Group Mega-analysis

    Jalbrzikowski, M., Hayes, R. A., Wood, S. J., Nordholm, D., Zhou, J. H., Fusar-Poli, P., Uhlhaas, P. J., Takahashi, T., Sugranyes, G., Kwak, Y. B., Mathalon, D. H., Katagiri, N., Hooker, C. I., Smigielski, L., Colibazzi, T., Via, E., Tang, J., Koike, S., Rasser, P. E., Michel, C. & 31 others, Lebedeva, I., Hegelstad, W. T. V., De La Fuente-Sandoval, C., Waltz, J. A., Mizrahi, R., Corcoran, C. M., Resch, F., Tamnes, C. K., Haas, S. S., Lemmers-Jansen, I. L. J., Agartz, I., Allen, P., Amminger, G. P., Andreassen, O. A., Atkinson, K., Bachman, P., Baeza, I., Baldwin, H., Bartholomeusz, C. F., Borgwardt, S., Catalano, S., Chee, M. W. L., Chen, X., Cho, K. I. K., Cooper, R. E., Cropley, V. L., Dolz, M., Ebdrup, Bjørn, Glenthøj, Birte Yding, Nordentoft, Merete & ENIGMA Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Working Group, E. C. H. R. F. P. W. G., 2021, In: JAMA Psychiatry. 78, 7, p. 753-766

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  6. Published

    Clinical, cognitive and neuroanatomical associations of serum NMDAR autoantibodies in people at clinical high risk for psychosis

    Pollak, T. A., Kempton, M. J., Iyegbe, C., Vincent, A., Irani, S. R., Coutinho, E., Menassa, D. A., Jacobson, L., de Haan, L., Ruhrmann, S., Sachs, G., Riecher-Rössler, A., Krebs, M. O., Amminger, P., Glenthøj, B., Barrantes-Vidal, N., van Os, J., Rutten, B. P. F., Bressan, R. A., van der Gaag, M. & 31 others, Yolken, R., Hotopf, M., Valmaggia, L., Stone, J., David, A. S., Calem, M., Tognin, S., Modinos, G., de Haan, L., van der Gaag, M., Velthorst, E., Kraan, T. C., van Dam, D. S., Burger, N., Nelson, B., McGorry, P., Pantelis, C., Politis, A., Goodall, J., Borgwardt, S., Ittig, S., Studerus, E., Smieskova, R., Gadelha, A., Brietzke, E., Asevedo, G., Asevedo, E., Nordholm, Dorte, Randers, L., Nordentoft, Merete & The EUGEI High-Risk Study, T. E. H. S., 2021, In: Molecular Psychiatry. 26, p. 2590–2604

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  7. Published

    Cognitive functioning throughout adulthood and illness stages in individuals with psychotic disorders and their unaffected siblings

    Velthorst, E., Mollon, J., Murray, R. M., de Haan, L., Germeys, I. M., Glahn, D. C., Arango, C., van der Ven, E., Di Forti, M., Bernardo, M., Guloksuz, S., Delespaul, P., Mezquida, G., Amoretti, S., Bobes, J., Saiz, P. A., García-Portilla, M. P., Santos, J. L., Jiménez-López, E., Sanjuan, J. & 31 others, Aguilar, E. J., Arrojo, M., Carracedo, A., López, G., González-Peñas, J., Parellada, M., Atbaşoğlu, C., Saka, M. C., Üçok, A., Alptekin, K., Akdede, B., Binbay, T., Altınyazar, V., Ulaş, H., Yalınçetin, B., Gümüş-Akay, G., Beyaz, B. C., Soygür, H., Cankurtaran, E. Ş., Kaymak, S. U., Maric, N. P., Mihaljevic, M. M., Petrovic, S. A., Mirjanic, T., Del-Ben, C. M., Ferraro, L., Gayer-Anderson, C., Jones, P. B., Nordholm, Dorte, Glenthøj, Birte Yding & EU-GEI High Risk Study, E. H. R. S., 2021, In: Molecular Psychiatry. 26, p. 4529–4543

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  8. Published

    Generalized neurocognitive impairment in individuals at ultra-high risk for psychosis: The possible key role of slowed processing speed

    Randers, L., Jepsen, J. R. M., Fagerlund, Birgitte, Nordholm, Dorte, Krakauer, K., Hjorthøj, Carsten, Glenthøj, Birte Yding & Nordentoft, Merete, 2021, In: Brain and Behavior. 11, 3, 16 p., e01962.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  9. Published

    Pre-training inter-rater reliability of clinical instruments in an international psychosis research project

    Berendsen, S., Kapitein, P., Schirmbeck, F., van Tricht, M. J., McGuire, P., Morgan, C., Gayer-Anderson, C., Kempton, M. J., Valmaggia, L., Quattrone, D., di Forti, M., van der Gaag, M., Kirkbride, J. B., Jongsma, H. E., Jones, P. B., Parellada, M., Arango, C., Arrojo, M., Bernardo, M., Sanjuán, J. & 31 others, Santos, J. L., Szöke, A., Tortelli, A., Llorca, P. M., Tarricone, I., Tripoli, G., Ferraro, L., La Cascia, C., Lasalvia, A., Tosato, S., Menezes, P. R., Del-Ben, C. M., Nelson, B., Riecher-Rössler, A., Bressan, R., Barrantes-Vidal, N., Krebs, M. O., Nordentoft, Merete, Ruhrmann, S., Sachs, G., Rutten, B. P. F., van Os, J., Velthorst, E., de Haan, L., Calem, M., Tognin, S., Modinos, G., Nordholm, Dorte, Randers, L., Glenthøj, Birte Yding & EU-GEI High Risk Study, E. H. R. S., 2021, In: Schizophrenia Research. 230, p. 104-107

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debateResearchpeer-review

  10. Published

    Stress reactivity as a putative mechanism linking childhood trauma with clinical outcomes in individuals at ultra-high-risk for psychosis: Findings from the EU-GEI High risk study

    Paetzold, I., Myin-Germeys, I., Schick, A., Nelson, B., Velthorst, E., Schirmbeck, F., Os, J., Morgan, C., Hartmann, J., van der Gaag, M., de Haan, L., Valmaggia, L. R., McGuire, P., Kempton, M. J., Reininghaus, U., McGuire, P., Valmaggia, L. R., Kempton, M. J., Calem, M., Tognin, S. & 31 others, Modinos, G., de Haan, L., van der Gaag, M., Velthorst, E., Kraan, T. C., Burger, N., van Dam, D. S., Barrantes-Vidal, N., Domínguez-Martínez, T., Cristóbal-Narváez, P., Kwapil, T. R., Monsonet-Bardají, M., Hinojosa, L., Riecher-Rössler, A., Borgwardt, S., Rapp, C., Ittig, S., Studerus, E., Smieskova, R., Bressan, R., Gadelha, A., Brietzke, E., Asevedo, G., Asevedo, E., Zugman, A., Ruhrmann, S., Nordholm, Dorte, Randers, L., Nordentoft, Merete, Pantelis, C. & EU-GEI High Risk Study*, E. H. R. S., 2021, In: Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 30, p. 1-13 e40.

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

ID: 247678657