Frido Welker

Frido Welker


Medlem af:

    1. 2024
    2. Udgivet

      The ecology, subsistence and diet of ~45,000-year-old Homo sapiens at Ilsenhöhle in Ranis, Germany

      Smith, G. M., Ruebens, K., Zavala, E. I., Sinet-Mathiot, V., Fewlass, H., Pederzani, S., Jaouen, K., Mylopotamitaki, D., Britton, K., Rougier, H., Stahlschmidt, M., Meyer, M., Meller, H., Dietl, H., Orschiedt, J., Krause, J., Schüler, T., McPherron, S. P., Weiss, M., Hublin, J-J. & 1 flere, Welker, Frido, 2024, I: Nature Ecology & Evolution. 8, 3, s. 564-577

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    3. Udgivet

      Using ZooMS to assess archaeozoological insights and unravel human subsistence behaviour at La Viña rock shelter (northern Iberia)

      Torres-iglesias, L., Marín-Arroyo, A. B., Welker, Frido & de la Rasilla, M., 2024, I: Journal of Archaeological Science. 161, 13 s., 105904.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    4. 2023
    5. Udgivet

      Comparing extraction method efficiency for high-throughput palaeoproteomic bone species identification

      Mylopotamitaki, Dorothea, Harking, F. S., Taurozzi, Alberto John, Fagernäs, Zandra Selina, Godinho, R. M., Smith, G. M., Weiss, M., Schüler, T., McPherron, S. P., Meller, H., Cascalheira, J., Bicho, N., Olsen, Jesper Velgaard, Hublin, J. & Welker, Frido, 2023, I: Scientific Reports. 13, 14 s., 18345.

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    6. Udgivet

      Identifying the unidentified fauna enhances insights into hominin subsistence strategies during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition

      Sinet-Mathiot, V., Rendu, W., Steele, T. E., Spasov, R., Madelaine, S., Renou, S., Soulier, M. C., Martisius, N. L., Aldeias, V., Endarova, E., Goldberg, P., McPherron, S. J. P., Rezek, Z., Sandgathe, D., Sirakov, N., Sirakova, S., Soressi, M., Tsanova, T., Turq, A., Hublin, J-J. & 2 flere, Welker, Frido & Smith, G. M., 2023, I: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 15, 9, 18 s., 139.

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    7. Udgivet

      Neanderthal subsistence, taphonomy and chronology at Salzgitter-Lebenstedt (Germany): a multifaceted analysis of morphologically unidentifiable bone

      Ruebens, K., Smith, G. M., Fewlass, H., Sinet-Mathiot, V., Hublin, J. & Welker, Frido, 2023, I: Journal of Quaternary Science. 38, 4, s. 471-487 17 s.

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    8. Udgivet

      Protein Tales of the Human Past: 45th Kroon-voordracht

      Welker, Frido, 2023, Huizen: Dutch Museum of Anthropology and Praehistory. 47 s. (Kroon-voordrachten, Bind 45).

      Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskning

    9. Udgivet

      The name of the game: palaeoproteomics and radiocarbon dates further refine the presence and dispersal of caprines in eastern and southern Africa

      Le Meillour, L., Zazzo, A., Zirah, S., Tombret, O., Barriel, V., Arthur, K. W., Arthur, J. W., Cauliez, J., Chaix, L., Curtis, M. C., Gifford-Gonzalez, D., Gunn, I., Gutherz, X., Hildebrand, E., Khalidi, L., Millet, M., Mitchell, P., Studer, J., Vila, E., Welker, F. & 2 flere, Pleurdeau, D. & Lesur, J., 2023, I: Royal Society Open Science. 10, 11, 19 s., 231002.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    10. 2022
    11. Udgivet

      A Middle Pleistocene Denisovan molar from the Annamite Chain of northern Laos

      Demeter, F., Zanolli, C., Westaway, K. E., Joannes-Boyau, R., Duringer, P., Morley, M. W., Welker, F., Rüther, P. L., Skinner, M. M., McColl, H., Gaunitz, C., Vinner, L., Dunn, T. E., Olsen, J. V., Sikora, M., Ponche, J-L., Suzzoni, E., Frangeul, S., Boesch, Q., Antoine, P-O. & 20 flere, Pan, L., Xing, S., Zhao, J., Bailey, R. M., Boualaphane, S., Sichanthongtip, P., Sihanam, D., Patole-Edoumba, E., Aubaile, F., Crozier, F., Bourgon, N., Zachwieja, A., Luangkhoth, T., Souksavatdy, V., Sayavongkhamdy, T., Cappellini, Enrico, Bacon, A., Hublin, J., Willerslev, Eske & Shackelford, L., 2022, I: Nature Communications. 13, 17 s., 2557.

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    12. Udgivet


      Welker, Frido, 2022, I: Journal of Proteomics. 253, 2 s., 104460.

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    13. Udgivet

      Initial Upper Paleolithic bone technology and personal ornaments at Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria)

      Martisius, N. L., Spasov, R., Smith, G. M., Endarova, E., Sinet-Mathiot, V., Welker, Frido, Aldeias, V., Horta, P., Marreiros, J., Rezek, Z., McPherron, S. P., Sirakov, N., Sirakova, S., Tsanova, T. & Hublin, J., 2022, I: Journal of Human Evolution. 167, 34 s., 103198.

      Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

    ID: 187034807