Word Order's Impacts: Insights from Reordering and Generation Analysis

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Existing works have studied the impacts of the order of words within natural text. They usually analyze it by destroying the original order of words to create a scrambled sequence, and then comparing the models' performance between the original and scrambled sequences. The experimental results demonstrate marginal drops. Considering this findings, different hypothesis about word order is proposed, including ``the order of words is redundant with lexical semantics'', and ``models do not rely on word order''. In this paper, we revisit the aforementioned hypotheses by adding a order reconstruction perspective, and selecting datasets of different spectrum. Specifically, we first select four different datasets, and then design order reconstruction and continuing generation tasks. Empirical findings support that ChatGPT relies on word order to infer, but cannot support or negate the redundancy relations between word order lexical semantics.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 18 Mar 2024


ID: 395360718