Small but important. Glass fragments from Central located European trading centres (3rd - 5th century AD).

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

Glass fragments from central European trading centres from 3rd to 6th centuries AD are handled and analysed to tell about the far-reaching trade connections between the Black Sea area and Central- and North Europe. The analsye is based on a selection of North- and Central European trading centres situated outside the Roman empire and characterised by rich culture layers containing precious metals, jewellery, coins, Roman and Frankish import as  for example fragments of drinking glasses. The paper shortly present a selection of such trading sites: the Danish site "Sorte Muld" on the island of Bornholm and "Gudme/Lundeborg" on the Danish isle Funen; furthermore the paper deal with the South Swedish site "Uppåkra" and the Polish site "Jakuszowice" nearthe city Krakow.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIkke angivet
EditorsLyudmil Ferdinandov Vagalinski
Number of pages20
PublisherTutrakan, Bulgaria
Publication date2008
ISBN (Print)978-954-90387-8-1.
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventThe Lower Danube in Antiquity (VI  C BC - VI C AD). International Archaeological Conference Bulgaria-Tutrakan, 6.-7.10.2005 - Tutrakan, Bulgaria
Duration: 6 Oct 20057 Oct 2005


ConferenceThe Lower Danube in Antiquity (VI  C BC - VI C AD). International Archaeological Conference Bulgaria-Tutrakan, 6.-7.10.2005
SeriesUden navn

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Humanities - Roman glass, Frankish glass, Merowingian glass, trading connections in Europe 3.-6. cent. AD, Trading centres in Late Roman time in barbaric Europe, Connections between South Scandinavia and the Black Sea area in late Roman time,

ID: 2433802