Self-evaluated competence in trauma reception

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  • a5420

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Introduction: No formal training requirements exist for trauma teams in Denmark. The aim of this study was to investigate the point prevalence level of training and the selfevaluated competence of doctors involved in trauma care. Methods: On two nights, all doctors on call at departments involved in trauma care were interviewed and answered a structured questionnaire pertaining to their level of training and self-evaluated level of competence in relevant skills. These skills included the ability to perform diagnostics and interventions as mandated by the Advanced Trauma Life Support and Definitive Surgical Trauma Care curriculums. Results: All contacted doctors replied to the questionnaire. 58% of doctors were specialists; most often anaesthesiologists (AN) (86%) and doctors working at hospitals with a dedicated trauma centre designation (100%). In total, 45% of orthopaedic (OS) and gastrointestinal surgeons (GS) were specialists. In terms of self-evaluated competence, 95% of AN felt competent performing damage control resuscitation, 82% of OS felt competent performing damage control surgery on extremities, whereas 55% of GS felt competent performing damage control surgery in the abdomen. A total of 20% of the respondents had not attended any relevant trauma course, the majority of these were GS. Conclusions: The results indicate that, at the point of sampling, trauma reception in Denmark was handled by AN specialists in the majority of cases, but by surgical trainees. Self-perceived competencies evaluation revealed preparedness to perform damage control resuscitation, but discrepancies in the ability to perform surgical damage control procedures.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberA5420
JournalDanish Medical Journal
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2017

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ID: 196467761