The Google I decision in a nutshell

Research output: Working paperResearch


On 18 December, the Commission – finally – published its June 2017 Google decision. It is highly suggested reading for the competition law legal community. The decision is noteworthy for its brevity at 216 pages, compared to the 518-page Intel decision (2009) 302-page Microsoft decision (2004). While the page count is surprisingly low, the significant fine of EUR 2.42 billion carries the weight of EUR 11.22 million per page. The decision’s brevity largely results from the reduction of the original four (2010) charges down to one (see Recital 63) and that the new charges regarding Android (2015) will come in a separate decision. Thus, additional cases (and pages) are looming in the not so distant future.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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