Landscape Strategy-Making and Collaboration: The Hills of Northern Mors, Denmark; A Case of Changing Focus and Scale

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


This paper focuses on a three-year rural landscape strategy-making process, which was driven by a Danish municipality and involved a large number of stakeholders. The project was part of an action research program aimed at developing new approaches to collaborative landscape planning. Gaining experiences with such approaches was part of this aim. During the course of the project, the focus and scale of the strategy changed significantly. The process developed in interesting ways in respect to three dimensions of collaborative landscape planning: collaboration, scale, and public goods. After a brief review of the three dimensions and their links to landscape planning, the case story is unfolded in three sections: (1) The planning process, (2) the process outcome (the strategy), and (3) the aftermath in terms of critical reflections from participating planners and local stakeholders. The process and outcome of the landscape strategy-making process is discussed in the context of collaboration, scale, and public goods, including a brief outline of the lessons learned.

Original languageEnglish
Article number189
Issue number6
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • co-creation, scale, landscape planning, public goods, landscape strategy making, ENVIRONMENTAL-POLICY INTEGRATION, GOVERNANCE

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ID: 245709080