Sarah Wadmann

Sarah Wadmann

External Lecturer

Primary fields of research

My primary research interest concerns how the organization of healthcare systems affects the delivering of healthcare services and thereby public health. I am especially interested in quality and audit systems, coordination of healthcare service delivery, public-private collaboration and EU regulation.

In my ph.d. project, I investigate organizational conditions of possibility for knowledge formation about blood pressure lowering drugs. What drives me is a desire to understand what comes to counts as true knowledge (facts) about drugs in various clinical settings, and how this may influence drug prescription. The project is undertaken as a multi-sited, ethnographic study in general practice and research intensive hospital wards in Denmark.


My teaching centers on courses about the organization of healthcare systems – mainly introductory courses focusing on understanding and critically analyzing modes of organization. I teach public health and medicine students at undergraduate and graduate level. Besides, I’ve done guest lecturing for graduate public health students on STS-perspectives in public health analysis.

I am co-supervising undergraduate and graduate public health students in projects about quality management and governance in the Danish healthcare system.

ID: 16282072