Pia Quist

Pia Quist


Researcher unique identifier (ORCID): 0000-0002-6111-6897
URL for personal web site: https://nors.ku.dk/ansatte/?pure=da/persons/75494
Please contact me for a full CV and list of publications



2006   PhD in sociolinguistics, Department of Scandinavian Research, University of Copenhagen. Dissertation: Stylistic practices in an urban, heterogeneous high school.
2003 visiting scholar at the linguistics department, Stanford University

1998   MA: Danish philology (major), Department of Nordic Philology, University of Copenhagen.

1995   BA: Danish philology (major), Department of Nordic Philology; Political science (minor), Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen.

1991   High school graduation, Roskilde Katedralskole


2020-present Full professor of sociolinguistics and dialectology, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen

2021-2024        Member of the humanities panel, FKK, Independent Research Fund Denmark

2021-2023        Member of the Copenhagen University Board, faculty-representative

2015-2017        Head of Section of Dialectology, Department of Scandinavian Research

2009-2020       Associate professor, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen.

2008-2010       Associate professor II [“professor 2”], Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Bergen, Norway

2006-2009       Assistant professor, Department of Scandinavian Research, University of Copenhagen.

2000-2002        Visiting professor, Osaka University of Foreign Studies, Japan

1998-2000       Research assistant, Department of Danish Dialectology. University of Copenhagen.

1996-1998        Substitute and part time teacher at Copenhagen Language Centre



2021-2025        PI of Speaking Up. Language as a factor for Social Mobility. DFF2 Independent Research Fund Denmark

2020-2023        Co-PI of The Sound of Copenhagen (with Museum of Copenhagen). VELUX

2017-2018:      PI of NOS-HS: Explorative workshops on Language and Social Mobility

2018-2019:      Carlsberg Semper Ardens fellowship (Ties. Language, body and place in the 21st century)

2014-2018:      PI of Language and Place - Linguistic Variation in Urban and Rural Denmark. DFF2 Independent Research Fund Denmark

2014-2018        WP-responsible, Dialect in the Periphery. VELUX




2022-                 Member of The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters

2019-                 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of The Center of Excellence: Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan (MultiLing), University of Oslo, Norway.

2019- present: Chairman of the board of Ulla & Børge Andersens Fond for Sprogvidenskabelig Forskning.

2015-2017:      Head of assessment committee for accreditation of new MAs in Norwegian Higher Education, NOKUT.

2011-2016:      Member of The Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters’ Young Academy (Deputy head (2014-2015)

2013-2019        Member of the Steering Committee of Centre for Advanced Migration Studies, AMIS, University of Copenhagen.

Member of the Editorial Board of the Benjamins Studies in Language Varation (SiLV).

Member of the Editorial Board of the Benjamins Studies in Germanic Linguistics.

Member of the corps of external examiners (censorkorps): ‘Minority studies and comparative cultures studies’.

2004-2011:      Member of the Executive Committee of the Society of Nordic Philology.

Member of The Linguistics Circle, Denmark (Lingvistkredsen)

Member of the Society of Nordic Philology (Selskab for Nordisk Filologi)



Since 2003 supervisor and teacher of sociolinguistics at all levels (BA, MA, PhD) at the University of Copenhagen.

2017: Organizer of the international PhD summer school “Communities of Language in a Nordic Context”.

Since 2006 organizer and teacher, PhD course: Methodology of Linguistics, Uni. of Copenhagen.



2015             High Performance Teams, management course CBS Executive.

2014             Pre-leadership program (KKK), University of Copenhagen.

2009             Research Management, management course, Copenhagen Business School.


2012:                 HERA travel grant, Berlin

2011:                 E. Lerager Larsens Fond: 20.000 DKK for publication of manuscript

2008:                 Svend Grundtvigs and Axel Olriks Legat: 8.000 DKK, publication of manuscript.

2007:                 Danish Council for Independent Research. Humanities: 40.000 DKK, publication of manuscript.

2003:                 Martin Levy's mindelegat: 50.000 DKK, traveling grant.

2003:                 Julie von Müllens fond: 25.000 DKK, traveling grant.

2003:                     Marcus Lorentzen: 16.000 DKK, traveling grant



  • Since 2007 author of a column in the science section Ideer of the Danish newspaper Weekendavisen. (To date approx. 40 columns on linguistics, mainly sociolinguistics).
  • Founder and web editor of dialekt.dk. Today one of the most frequently visited websites at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen.
  • Author of three high school textbooks published by Gyldendal.



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