Morten Peter Meldal

Morten Peter Meldal


Member of:

    University Education:

    1983  PhD            Institute of Organic Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
    1981M.Sc.Chemical Engineering, DTU
    1896Postdoc  Cambridge University


    • 2019 - 2020    Vice-Institute Director of Teaching, Department of Chemistry University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
    • 2013 - 2018    Center Director, Center of Evolutionary Chemical Biology, UCPH
    • 2011 -             Professor in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, UCPH
    • 1988 - 2011    Professor & Director, SPOCC Centre, Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen, Denmark
    • 1996 - 2007    Ajunct Professor at DTU and at University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Copenhagen.
    • 1986 - 1988    Postdoc H. C. Ørsted Institute, UCPH
    • 1985 - 1986    Postdoc, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England (Robert C. Sheppard)
    • 1983 - 1985    Postdoc Technical University of Denmark

    Selected recognitions and Awards:

    • 2022    The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022
    • 2019    Top 3 candidate for the Nobel prize 2019
    • 2011    Vincent du Vigneaud Award, American Peptide Society
    • 2009    Ralph F. Hirschmann Award, American Chemical Society
    • 1997    Bjerrum-Brønsted-Lang lecture in Danish Royal Society of Science and Letters
    • 1996    Niels Bjerrum Gold Medal in Chemistry, Denmark
    • 1996    The Leonidas Zervas Award, European Peptide Society
    • 1996    NKT-Award, Danish Society of Chemistry
    • 1995    Mitzutani Foundation Award, Japan
    • 1990    Danish Chemistry Award, Danish Society of Chemistry
    • 1988    Kirstine Meyers Award, Kirstine Meyers Foundation, Denmark

    Large research awards:

    • 2013    Research Award from Applied Biomimetic / HT
    • 2013    Research Award from University of Copenhagen
    • 2012    Research Award from Lundbeck Foundation
    • 2012    Research Award from Novonordisk/HT
    • 2007    Research Award from the EU-CAMP Research Program
    • 1997    Research Award from the Danish National Research Foundation (renewed 2002 and 4)
    • 1997    Research Award from the Danish Cancer Society
    • 1995    Research Award from the EU-INCO-DC program
    • 1992    Research Award from the EU-Science Program

    Start-up companies:

    • 2000    Cofounder of Combio A/S
    • 2002    Cofounder of Versamatrix A/S
    • 2019    Cofounder of Betamab APS

    Commission of trust:

    • 2010               Chairman and Organizer of the 31'st European Peptide Symposium
    • 2003               Chairman and Organizer of 2’nd Symposium of Combinatorial Sciences
    • 2000 -             Elected member of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
    • 1999 -             Chairman and Co-founder of the Society of Combinatorial Sciences
    • 1992 - 2004    Board member of the European Peptide Society

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