Mette Bech Risør

Mette Bech Risør


Short presentation

I am a trained social anthropologist with many years of experience in medical anthropology. My primary research interests and research experience are about illness experiences (for different patient groups), healthcare-seeking practices and ways of navigating the healthcare system, especially with a focus on clinical encounters and relationships in the context of the healthcare system and organisation. More recently, this has led to a particular interest in bodily sensations, the anthropology of the senses and the way symptoms and diagnoses are configured, as well as diagnostic pathways for patients with contested diagnoses and healthcare-seeking practices as morally situated. I link this to an interest in health discourses as mediators for both medical practice and the constitution of the patient. My research interests have been realized especially in projects dealing with patients with medically unexplained symptoms and chronic cancer patients.

Professor in medical anthropology at the Department of Public Health Science, Department of General Medicine and the Research Unit for General Practice. In addition, a 20% position as professor in medical anthropology at the General Pratice Research Unit, Department of Community Medicine, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø.

Scientific coordinator for the network Medical Anthropology At Home, MAAH. The network has a mailing list, which you can sign up for on request, and we organize conferences in Europe every two years. See more about this here:

Teaching and supervision

I currently teach 'Early Patient Contact', 1st semester medicine, Qualitative Methods, bachelor in Public Health, Research training for doctors specializing in general medicine, and the PhD course 'Research Seminars in Qualitative Analysis' (which I am also course leader for). Overall, I have taught at all educational levels, established courses and worked as course leader in several cases.

I have many years of experience in supervising PhD students and with bachelor's and master's students from various programmes.

Current research

- everyday life and healthcare-seeking for patients with both mental and somatic disorders

- coherent patient pathways and healthcare-seeking for men with genital lesions

- cooperation regarding citizens on sick leave between general practice, the job center and the citizen him/herself

- complex multimorbidity, what does that mean and for whom? (in progress)


No conflicts of interest

ID: 208744847