Martin Reinhardt Nielsen
Associate Professor
Section for Global Development
Rolighedsvej 23
1958 Frederiksberg C
My primary research interest is hunting, ranging from bushmeat hunting in tropical and sub-tropical countries to Inuit communities traditional hunting in the Arctic. My research focuses on assessing the behavioural and socio-economic drivers and the ecological impacts of hunting. This in order to examine the efficiency of management approaches and their implications for hunters’ livelihoods and traditional cultures and to assist in developing targeted mitigation policies.
Capacity-building in Arctic Standardisation Development (CAPARDUS). Making Bayesian Belief Network models for natural resource management in Greenland (2020-2023)
IFRO is a partner in the CAPARDUS project in its work package 2 conducting case studies in different Arctic regions. Specifically, IFRO project members will in collaboration with NORDECO organise a workshop with participants from Greenlandic natural resource user groups, government agencies and research institutions to discuss guidelines and standards in community-based monitoring in Greenland.
For further information, see:
Generating insights to reduce demand for rhino horn in Vietnam- Applying choice experiments and the theory of planned behaviour (2019-2022)
This study aims to provide crucial information for designing behavioural modification campaigns for the conservation of rhinos and constitute an important academic contribution to the understanding of Asian culture and consumerism in relation to wildlife products.
For further information, see:
Savanna Life – Playing games to facilitate natural resource management in the Greater Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem in Tanzania and Kenya (2018-2020)
The Savanna Life project aims to develop a board game for teaching purposes, and stakeholder engagement and will record and analyse the strategies used by different players in the game. The game won first place in the Ecosystem Services in Practice Award at the 10th ESP World Conference.
For further information, see:
AfricanBioServices - Linking Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functions and Services in the Serengeti-Mara Region, East Africa: Drivers of Change, Causalities and Sustainable Management Strategies (2015-2019)
AfricanBioServices is a four year 10 million euro research project involving thirteen institutions in Europa and East Africa focusing on natural resource management problems in the cross-boundary Greater Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem in Kenya and Tanzania. As the leader of work package 5, the research focused on quantifying human reliance on ecosystem services and examining management options.
For further information, see:
REDD+: The forest grab of all times? (2014-2017)
The project investigates how REDD+ influences regulations and access to forest resources, the way compensation for foregone benefits are awarded, and to what degree local monitoring of livelihood impacts of REDD+ can be used as a tool to empower local communities and help secure their rights in the face of REDD+.
For further information, see:
PIMA – Poverty and Ecosystem Impacts of Tanzania’s Wildlife Management Areas (2014-2017)
PIMA is a three-year interdisciplinary research project which aims to discover how Tanzania's Wildlife Management Areas have changed people's lives and their effects on wildlife and the environment.
For further information, see:
The choice of hunting and trading bushmeat - Building knowledge for regulation illegal bushmeat markets in Tanzania (2010-2013)
This project focuses on commercial bushmeat markets in Tanzania to provide the information needed to facilitate design of economic instruments to improve regulation of these markets for sustainability and biodiversity conservation. The project involves conducting a commodity chain analysis in three identified bushmeat markets to assess the distribution of power and profit between market actors (hunters, traders etc.) and determine the structure and functioning of these markets. The project will furthermore introduce choice experiments to measure actor’s response to changes in aspects of the decision to engage in this activity. The results will reveal the optimal level in the commodity chain for regulation interventions and whether increased law enforcement or market-based regulation instruments (taxes, subsidising alternatives etc.) most effectively will induce hunters and traders to shift occupation voluntarily. The project was funded by the National Research Foundation through CMEC.
Hunting for the benefit of Joint Forest Management and locally-based monitoring in the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania (2007-2010)
The project evaluated the effect of Joint Forest Management in a biodiversity hotspot in Tanzania based on the policy objectives: forest conservation; improved local livelihoods; and promotion of good governance. The study was based on a temporal comparison with a control site using bushmeat hunting as an indicator. The project also included an investigation of the production and communication of information in a locally-based monitoring scheme in the same area. The project was funded by the Danish development assistance (DANIDA).
ID: 4234236
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