Carl-Fredrik Bowin
External Postdoc
Neuropharm and Genetics
Blegdamsvej 3
2200 København N.
I have a PhD in receptor pharmacology (supervisor Gunnar Schulte) from Karolinska Insitutet and graduated with a Master’s degree in Biotechnology from the Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH), Sweden. I had my first post doctoral visit with Per Svenningsson (Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Insitutet) and in late 2022 I joined the group of Ulrik Gether (Neuroscience, Copenhagen University) as a guest researcher.
Interested in doing your master thesis in the Gether Laboratory? Contact me!
Current research
I have a general interest in understanding molecular mechanisms of cellular signaling and related protein interactions. During my PhD, I focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms of Frizzled receptors, especially the signaling and interaction between Frizzled and Dishevelled. Currently, my work is focused on investigating the molecular aspects of dopamine signaling in single cells to better understand the heterogeneity in cell populations, especially in primary striatal neurons.
ID: 322618362