IMP1 KH1 and KH2 domains create a structural platform with unique RNA recognition and re-modelling properties

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  • Dagil, Robert
  • Neil J. Ball
  • Roksana W. Ogrodowicz
  • Fruzsina Hobor
  • Andrew G. Purkiss
  • Geoff Kelly
  • Stephen R. Martin
  • Ian A. Taylor
  • Andres Ramos

IGF2 mRNA-binding protein 1 (IMP1) is a key regulator of messenger RNA (mRNA) metabolism and transport in organismal development and, in cancer, its mis-regulation is an important component of tumour metastasis. IMP1 function relies on the recognition of a diverse set of mRNA targets that is mediated by the combinatorial action of multiple RNAbinding domains. Here, we dissect the structure and RNA-binding properties of two key RNA-binding domains of IMP1, KH1 and KH2, and we build a kinetic model for the recognition of RNA targets. Our data and model explain how the two domains are organized as an intermolecular pseudo-dimer and that the important role they play in mRNA target recognition is underpinned by the high RNA-binding affinity and fast kinetics of this KH1KH2-RNA recognition unit. Importantly, the high-affinity RNA-binding by KH1KH2 is achieved by an inter-domain coupling 50- fold stronger than that existing in a second pseudodimer in the protein, KH3KH4. The presence of this strong coupling supports a role of RNA re-modelling in IMP1 recognition of known cancer targets.

TidsskriftNucleic Acids Research
Udgave nummer8
Sider (fra-til)4334-4348
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2019

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ID: 229064172