Soil development rates from an optically stimulated luminescence-dated beach ridge sequence in Northern Jutland, Denmark

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Rates of podzolic soil development in
sandy, temperate soils were quantified based on 14 soil pedons with five substrata from a beach ridge chronosequence near
Jerup, Northern Denmark (578N). Soil pH, organic carbon (C) as well as extractable iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) were
measured. The age of each pedon and soil stratum was measured by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and
used to estimate soil development rates. Soils were divided into five groups from Typic Haplorthods and Entic Alorthods
with a mean OSL age of 29659294 yr to Typic Quartzipsamments with a mean OSL age of 22911 yr. Acidification rates
during the first 200 yr were1.9pH units per 100 yr in the A horizons and C-sequestration rates were25 g C m2 yr1
(excluding litter accumulation). After1500 yr, the mineral soil C stocks stabilised around 13.092.0 kg C m2.
Translocation rates of Al into B horizons were0.3 kg Al m2 per 1000 yr, while translocation rates for Fe were scattered.
Our study illustrates the potential of OSL dating in chronosequence studies to quantify soil development rates.
Original languageEnglish
JournalCanadian Journal of Soil Science
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)295-307
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2010

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Science - Soil development rates; chronosequence; OSL-dating; C-sequestration rates and translocation rates

ID: 20446715