Allan Krasnik

Allan Krasnik

Professor emeritus, Professor, emeritus

Member of:

    Current research

    Ongoing research projects on continuity of care (organizational factors and patient perspectives), the role of preventive medication in relation to healthy ageing and studies on the health of migrants and ethnic minorites, their access to health services and the improvement of migrant and ethnic minority care.

    Primary fields of research

    Scientific main interest is health services research with special attention to prevention, evaluation of innovations and changes and the effect on the structure of the health service as to access and health care utilization for different social and ethnic groups. Has published about 200 research publications and articles in national and international scientific journals dealing with these subjects. Has been project leader of a number of research groups, i.e. the Naestved Project (Community Medicine within primary health services) 1974 - 1980, The Billund Project (Evaluation of the Health Center) 1982 -1986, a project concerning the remuneration system in Copenhagen 1988-90, an evaluation project regarding community psychiatry in Copenhagen 1988-92,  evaluation projects concerning Bispebjerg Hospital as a model hospital of prevention since 1996 and interntional and Danish projects on immigrant health and access to health services for immigrants. Has, furthermore, participated in a number of single Danish and international projects concerning, among others, HIV-/AIDS-prevention and inequity in access to health services in Denmark and Europe as well as international comparative projects on performance of health services. Has been leader of the Danish Research Centre for Migration, Ethnicity and Health and for a research program about society, culture and health policy in the Center for Healthy Ageing (CEHA) at University of Copenhagen.  Now leading a large Nordic project, CAGE, on the health and welfare of refugee children and adolescents.


    Has given lectures on theories and methods within public health at many  pre-graduate and post-graduate courses and has been personally responsible for and co-operated in the establishment and the implementation of new educations, courses and seminars within the field of health services research, including the MPH programme in Denmark, Master of Science in Public Health programme,  Master in International Health , and PhD courses on health services research and migrant health at the University of Copenhagen.

    Selected publications

    1. Published

      A retrospective analysis of health systems in Denmark and Kaiser Permanente

      Frølich, Anne, Schiøtz, M. L., Strandberg-Larsen, M., Hsu, J., Krasnik, Allan, Diderichsen, Finn, Bellows, J., Søgaard, J. & White, K., 2008, In: BMC Health Services Research. 8, p. 252

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    2. Published

      Are joint health plans effective for coordination of health services? An analysis based on theory and Danish pre-reform results

      Strandberg-Larsen, M., Nielsen, M. B. & Krasnik, Allan, 3 Oct 2007, In: International Journal of Integrated Care. 7, p. 1-10 10 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    3. Published

      Migrants´access to health services

      Nørredam, Marie Louise & Krasnik, Allan, 2012, Migration and health in the European Union. Bernd, R., Mladovsky, P., Devillé, W., Rijks, B., Petrova-Benedict, R. & McKee, M. (eds.). Maidenhead: Open University Press, p. 67-80 13 p.

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

    4. Published

      Inequality in Self-rated Health among Immigrants, Their Descendants and Ethnic Danes: Examining the Role of Socioeconomic Position

      Dinesen, C. W., Jervelund, Signe Smith, Mortensen, Laust Hvas & Krasnik, Allan, 2011, In: International Journal of Public Health (Print Edition). p. 503-514

      Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

    5. Published

      Reforming primary health care

      Krasnik, Allan, 2009, Nordic Health Care Systems: Recent Reforms and Current Policy Challenges. Magnussen, J., Vrangbæk, K. & Saltman, R. B. (eds.). 1 ed. England: Open University Press, p. 233-254 21 p.

      Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearch

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